Virtual AGM - Fully Moderated

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Shiftsuite Moderates

Have a live Shiftsuite Moderator to handle the technical stages of your AGM to ensure your utmost success. We work right at your side to ensure a successful and efficient meeting.

Enterprise AGM Software

We provide a top-rated enterprise webinar/meeting solution for up to 1000 owners. Complete with all the tools and technology you’ll need.

Reduced Costs and Effort

The parameters around hosting an AGM changed in 2020. The right technology and partner can allow you to run an efficient and effective meeting easily.

Dress Rehersals

Our AGM services include a complimentary dress rehearsal for your Head Table with one of our seasoned professionals.

Today's Virtual World

Meet the demands of our technology driven world. Owners want and need the convenience of attending meetings from their own devices; allow owners from all over the world to connect.

Easily Accessed by All

Internet and a computer or phone are all that is needed to participate in the Virtual Meeting. People without internet or computer can dial in to listen.

Combine with Online Proxy

Achieve quorum before your AGM even starts, by combining Shiftsuite Online Proxy with Virtual AGM. Save money on both products when bundled together.


Using our enterprise grade software, owners will receive Registration details and Reminders via email.

Affordable Pricing

1-50 Units


Per Use

51-125 Units


Per Use

126-250 Units


Per Use

251-499 Units


Per Use

500+ Units


Per Use

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online proxy

Shiftsuite’s Virtual AGM Benefits

Ensure your condo can continue business as usual with Shiftsuite’s Virtual AGM solution. Learn more about how we work with you to provide an affordable and effective condo solution.

Turnkey Setup
We work with you in all stages to ensure success. We provide a live moderator to communicate, participate and manage the technical aspects of the AGM.
Client Communications
We will take care of the client communications and registration of the private virtual meeting.
Dress Rehearsal
Prior to the meeting we will meet with the chairperson and all speakers to provide a dry run of the meeting and technology test to ensure the meeting can be conducted without hiccups.
Realtime Moderation
Shiftsuite will provide a trained live person to help manage any technical aspects of the meeting and help manage the floor as needed.
Full Featured Technology
Gain the full benefits of enterprise grade webinar solutions. Attendee registration, controlled chats, Q&A forums, polling and raising hands are all templated for your ease of use.

Live Polling

Gather owner input easily and effectively

With a single click, collect the input of everybody in attendance of your Virtual AGM. We will set up your poll questions in advance and activate it for you during the meeting. Information is saved securely and can be shown to owners and scrutineers on demand.

AGM polling
zoom control

Enterprise-Grade Webinar Controls

Total Control of your AGM

We’ve established a set of best practices to control the meeting. We ensure items like attendees are muted by default, hosts can control who can speak and share; Chairpersons can control the meeting in full on their own or in tandem with the live Shiftsuite moderator.

Meeting Minutes Partnership

Work with our preferred Minute taking partner, or use your own.

Minutes Solutions is a professional 3rd party minute taking company founded in 2014. Their staff can attend your meeting virtually, or they can use a recording of your meeting, to create a succinct and comprehensive set of minutes. Please contact Minutes Solutions for details and pricing.

Minutes on-Time is another amazing option for participating in your Virtual AGM. In addition to great professional service, they are offering a 10% discount on their services Please contact Minutes On-Time for details and pricing.

minutes solutions
minutes on time

Ensure you have quorum and votes before the AGM with our Online Proxy solution

We’ve designed a simple process for condominium owners and board members to complete the proxy form. We’ve essentially covered every angle to ensure you get the results you want; owner input and achieving quorum.

Property managers can create, edit and manage with ease too! Available to both Shiftsuite and non Shiftsuite clients, setup is hassle free. Clients using Shiftsuite Accounting or Property Management receive the added benefit of integration, saving even more time.

proxy question
“Todays owners expect convenience and time savings. They want tools and services within their condo as they do anywhere else; enter Shiftsuite’s AGM services”
Christopher Deen


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